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40 Salat And Salam Pdf Viewer

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40 Salat And Salam Pdf Viewer

40 Durood - This is a manual of the famous 40 Durood Salat and Salam litany This manual provides a litany that one can read each day to send blessings on.. '[4]Quran[edit]. [1]Etymology[edit]Salawat is a plural form of salat (Arabic:صلاة) and from the root of the letters 'saad, laam, waw' (Arabic ص.. ل و) which means 'prayer, salutation, greeting and mercy' [2]Meaning[edit]Arabic philologists hold the view that the meaning of the word salawat would vary according to who has used the word, and to whom it is used for.. This kind of phrase is usually expressed by Muslims in their five daily prayers (during the Tashahhud) and also when the name of Muhammad had been mentioned.

[3]In Islamic context[edit]When Muhammad sends Salawat upon the believers, it indicates his prayer for their welfare, blessing and salvation. Click

Part of a series onMuhammadSalawat is a special Arabic phrase, which contains the salutation upon the prophet of Islam. Click